Well, it’s about time.

It’s about time.

When I set a meeting with a client or a prospect, I do my best to make sure that I am early for the appointment. Starting on time is me putting my better foot forward. It shows that I care about my client’s time. It makes for a good start to the project. When making a pitch, I take the time to practice the pitch before giving it. I do not wish to waste the client’s time.

It’s about time.

I’ve listened to friend and fellow Scouter Danny Foster pass along advice to Boy Scouts about meetings that he picked up from his Mississippi Army National Guard days: “If you’re five minutes early, you’re on time; if you’re on time, you’re late; and if you are late, it is inexcusable.” The boys are learning that the tone of the meeting and the connections are set at the beginning of the meeting, so anyone coming in late is a disturbance to the group. It is not fair for them to have to restart for one latecomer. Someone slipping in five minutes after the start can sit down, listen, stay quiet and catch up. Someone coming in 15 minutes late will be too far behind the conversation.

It’s about time.

I work in a business that is full of deadlines. At the moment, I can’t think of a business that does not work on a timetable or goals. Everything is on a schedule or it is assigned one. I once shared with Phyllis Harper a sarcastic quote about deadlines from author Douglas Adams that she printed in an article: “I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” It’s humorous, but it can’t happen. Missed deadlines are missed opportunities. I do my best to plan my work and work my plan. Yes, sometimes life happens, but life would be really dull without a few challenges. And, I’m not in this race alone.

It’s about time.

Hiring a professional is a way to save time. I know when I run across an issue where I don’t have a lot of experience, I turn to those who do for help. This allows me to do the things that I do well because I would waste more time when I could hire it done more efficiently and effectively. I know that my clients are happy to enlist my aid in the things I do well and to use the connections I have to get the job done. They’re happy; I’m happy.

It’s about time.

I came across a great piece of advice lately. I’ve been relying more and more on a to-do list to keep up with my tasks. The advice I read recommended assigning a time to complete tasks that come up on a schedule rather than a to-do list. I mentioned this to a friend and was given the pop culture quote “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” I guess Yoda will be writing a management handbook now.

It’s about time.

Then there’s downtime. The time where I can stop looking at my watch and enjoy the moment with family and friends. That’s what we’re saving time for, isn’t it. Isn’t it about time?

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